THREAT analysis Human Factors In designing products, systems, procedures and protocols, we actively consider the human user and put them at the centre of our design. Yes No At work, we are involved in working with the community, social groups and understand our impact on the environment. Yes No My own values are aligned to the values of the organisation I work for. Yes No Relationships I have several people at work who give me unconditional support and are non-judgemental when I make a mistake. Yes No At work I am part of a team in which I feel supported and valued. Yes No I treat myself with kindness and compassion and take time to look after the wellbeing of members in my team. Yes No Integrity My relationships at work are based on mutual respect, autonomy and have clear, healthy boundaries. Yes No I experience clear and consistent rules and expectations that are aligned to my personal values. Yes No I set and maintain healthy boundaries and can say 'no' when I have to. Yes No Vision At work I believe that my peers know that I have the ability to be the best. Yes No At work I believe that my organisation can succeed and that we overcome challenges together. Yes No I believe in myself most of the time and I believe in the future of my organisation. Yes No Elasticity At work we encourage honest communication and healthy conflict resolution skills. Yes No At work we encourage love of learning and set time aside to learn skills so that I can do my job well. Yes No At work we set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timebound) goals and develop steps to make them happen and always take time to reflect. Yes No Time's up